Two Thousand Thirteen!

Jan 6, 2013

Goodbye, 2012. I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have a few "goals" in mind:
1. Try to get to bed earlier. I normally fall asleep after 11:30 p.m., then try waking up early to get to the gym and then work. I generally don't need much sleep, and feel groggy whenever I get 8+ hours. But my goal is to start getting more than 5.5 hours a night. I think reading before bed, instead of watching TV, will help.
2. Cut back on sugar. I have a serious sweet tooth. I can (and often) eat junk for breakfast! So yeah, it might be time to start limiting my intake.
3. Try not to sweat the small stuff. This is a tough one for me. I'm a worrier, a planner, and think-aheader. If something falls apart or doesn't go as planned, I struggle.
4. Redecorate the apartment. Over the years, I've accumulated quite an eclectic number of home furnishings. I would like things to look a little more consistent. More importantly, I need to eliminate clutter and keep up with the cleaning I've recently been tackling.

For #4, I've started by adding some greenery to my apartment and bought new bedding (West Elm is having a fabulous sale).

This little guy came from The Sill, an awesome shop that has low maintenance houseplants that can survive even the blackest thumb (me). Free delivery for those in New York -- what more can you ask for!


  1. Oooh, yes number 1. I really need to start putting away my computer/TV earlier in the night.


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